Group 10802 Cie gra


UX consultancy for a lunchbox recipe app
UI & Design UX

Value delivered

During a structured process that involved three phases of product development, we have created personas, designed customer journey maps, outlined business objectives, designed layouts and conducted market and competitive analysis. We comprehended and defined business objectives, and user needs through immersive workshops and ongoing communication with the client. This allowed us to produce an intuitive and practical mockup of the application that met both the client’s and users’ needs.


JoyBox is a start-up company that has developed an application to help mothers generate healthy and fun lunchbox ideas for their children to take to school. The mobile application offers nutritious, delicious and visually appealing recipes and encourages children to eat their lunch.


The JoyBox project was a comprehensive UX/UI initiative. The first assumption of the project was to develop a mock-up of a mobile application for a startup in the nutrition industry. We discovered they needed to gain expertise in creating digital products during initial discussions with the client. To help address this, we decided to expand the scope of our services and guide the company through the entire product implementation process step-by-step.


Research & Discovery

We collaborated closely with the client through extensive workshops to examine each step and feature in detail. During this phase, we thoroughly analysed the market and competition, gathered information about the target audience and defined the project goals. We also created user personas to understand the target audience’s behaviour and needs, focusing on identifying their business goals and understanding how their product could solve the target audience’s pain points.


An obstacle during this phase was the need for defined business goals and project assumptions. Through extensive workshops, the client better understood the app-building process, and we established the essential business assumptions to proceed to the following stages.

Strategy & Planning

Based on the findings of the R&D phase, we created a customer journey map that outlined the user’s experience from start to finish. We then defined the features and functionalities of the application. We created a sitemap to ensure a logical user journey flow.


One barrier we faced during this phase was defining the project’s scope. The client had several ideas for features they wanted to include in the application. Still, we had to narrow the area to focus on the essential components to meet the project goals. We worked closely with the client to prioritize the elements and ensure the application’s design aligned with the target audience’s needs.

Design & Prototyping:

In this phase, we focused on creating wireframes and mockups of the application. For this project, we prioritized the user flow and optimization of their journey to ensure the best possible experience while using the app’s final version.


Creating a visual design aligned with the client’s brand identity was another challenge for our team. The client had a unique brand personality, and we wanted to ensure that the application’s design accurately reflected it. We worked closely with the client to define the brand identity and created design concepts that met their requirements.


Because of the budget limitations, the client decided to postpone the testing & optimization phase.