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UI & Design UX

Common UI design mistakes and how to avoid them

reading time: 2 minutes
reading time: 2 minutes

Creating a user-friendly interface is crucial for any website or application but common design mistakes can make the user experience frustrating and lead to low engagement.

UI & Design UX

Creating a user-friendly interface is essential for any website or application. However, many designers often make common mistakes that can impact the user experience negatively.

This article will explore some of the most common UI design mistakes and provide tips on avoiding them.


Common UI Design Mistakes

  1. Cluttered Interface: A cluttered interface can make it challenging for users to find what they’re looking for, leading to frustration and a negative experience.
  2. Poor Readability: Poor typography and insufficient contrast can make it easier for users to read content, resulting in low engagement.
  3. Inconsistent Design: Inconsistent design elements, such as fonts and colours, can make the interface appear unprofessional and unpolished.
  4. Confusing Navigation: Navigation should be intuitive and easy to understand, but complex menus or poorly labelled buttons can confuse users.
  5. Lack of Feedback: Lack of feedback, such as confirmation messages, loading indicators, and error messages, can lead to uncertainty and frustration for users.



„Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
– Steve Jobs, co-founded Apple Inc.



How to Avoid Common UI Design Mistakes

  1. Keep It Simple: A clean and straightforward interface is always better than a cluttered one. Use whitespace effectively and remove unnecessary elements.
  2. Prioritize Readability: Choose fonts and contrast that are easy to read, and ensure the content is scannable and easy to digest.
  3. Maintain Consistency: Use a consistent design language throughout the interface, including fonts, colours, and buttons.
  4. Simplify Navigation: Use clear labels and logical grouping, and minimize the number of clicks required to complete a task.
  5. Provide Feedback: Give users clear feedback on their actions, including confirmation messages, progress indicators, and error messages.



Designing an interface that provides an excellent user experience requires avoiding common mistakes and following best practices. By keeping things simple, prioritizing readability, maintaining consistency, simplifying navigation, and giving feedback, designers can create interfaces that work well for users.